Kifcure Hemp Harvest open House

hemp harvest
On a beautiful Wednesday afternoon in September Kifcure hosted a Hemp Harvest Open House. Attendees witnessed specialized hemp harvesting equipment in action and were able to ask questions and discuss the benefits and opportunities in growing hemp.

The hemp field, located right next to Kifcure headquarters,  is on Rt. 47 two miles north of Rt. 38. Farmers, agricultural professionals and general curiosity seekers gathered to watch the specialized tri-level sickle cutter mow down the hemp and even ride along for a pass to get a closer look.

The cut hemp will remain in the field as it undergoes the retting process, which is a microbial process that breaks the chemical bonds that hold the stem together and allows separation of the bast fibers from the woody core. When ready the hemp will be bailed and then stored or shipped to various processing centers where it could become hempcrete, plastics, textiles, paper, or a number of other products.

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